A game changer in mycotoxin management. Contains proprietary formulated substances to help livestock deal with nutritionally challenging feeds. It manages toxins to improve fertility and performance and also contains antioxidants, vitamins and trace elements.

It is designed to treat forages and mixed rations to improve digestibility and nutrient availability, and to help promote rumen balance and rumen efficiency when the treated forage or mixed ration is fed to cattle.


AKMC is a product that has been designed to be fed to help livestock get the most from nutritionally challenging feeds. It uses new, patented enzyme technology that seeks to denature the toxins in feed and contains vitamin and trace mineral fortification which enhance the total ration.

A trial featuring over 10,000 milking cows from 31 different farms was carried out to measure changes in production, health and fertility when AKMC was introduced to the diet.

By the end of the trial, 75% of the farms experienced increases in energy-corrected milk (ECM), including 61% of farms that saw ECM increase by 0.9 litres or more.

Additionally, the farms in the trial saw an average increase of 0.85 litres in liquid milk production, on average increase of 0.02% butterfat and an average decrease in somatic cell count of 14,130 cells/ml.


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